Human BioAcoustics ™

FREE & DISCOUNTED SOFTWARE - The "BodyGreen Giveaway ™"

About Human BioAcoustics and Sound Health

Each of us consists of a unique harmonic of frequencies. When those frequencies become unbalanced, we may develop corresponding issues. This research has developed into a system that both analyzes an individual's energetic status and helps restore that being to wholeness, nourishing with non-invasive sound frequency. Everything is energy. Feeding the appropriate energy frequencies supports normal structure and function.

Human BioAcoustics, as originated by Sharry Edwards, M.Ed., does not diagnose or prescribe for medical or psychological conditions nor does it claim to prevent, treat, mitigate or cure such conditions. HBA researchers do not provide diagnosis, care, treatment or rehabilitation of individuals, nor apply medical, mental health or human development principles.

Software programs and classes listed in the BioAcoustics section are primarily by Sound Health Inc. All Sound Health analysis programs produce written reports that may be provided to your health care advisors.

Human BioAcoustics Personal Consultation

LifeSpirit Center offers private Human BioAcoustics consulting, including a special summary Vocal Nutritional Analysis, in addition to making certain HBA programs available through the BodyGreen Giveaway. To arrange for your personal voice analysis [from a vocal sample which can be done on your own computer and emailed to our analyst; response via emailed report regarding your nutritional status as encoded in your voice sample] CLICK HERE.

Statement from Sharry Edwards MEd.

"To survive the human race needs BioAcoustic Biology. For BioAcoustics to survive we need to train practitioners, clinicians, and instructors. To date there is no universally accepted modality that has the potential to help us survive the threat of a pandemic bird/swine flu, to restore our DNA, to rid us of vaccination damage and residue, to support our dwindling immune responses. The research being conducted by the Institute of BioAcoustic Biology is the forefront of energy medicine; creating the doorway to our next dimension of evolution. In addition the techniques hold promise to answer questions about how our universe was formed, how our aging and perception of time can be monitored using frequency.

"In developing these techniques The Institute of Biology has created a dilemma. How can we take this potential to the public when we do not have enough trained practitioners to serve the need? Do we not share this information with the public? I think not. We must take the change that enough people of vision will recognize the potential of this work and come forward to be a part of it. It will take vision and sacrifice and there may be a time when the entire system will be forced underground before it is recognized as the lifeblood of our ancient right to self health.

"Whoever controls health, controls the people. Health is more precious than wealth! We can monitor our own health and we have dominion over our destiny.

This site shows some of the ways you can become involved in spreading and sharing the ideas of BioAcoustic Biology and vocal profiling. I am happy to endorse the Mission of LifeSpirit Center insofar as it seeks to communcate about Sound and Health." -- Sharry Edwards, MEd.

Human BioAcoustics & Sound Health

Each of us consists of a unique harmonic of frequencies. When those frequencies become unbalanced, we may develop corresponding issues. This research has developed into a system that both analyzes an individual's energetic status and helps restore that being to wholeness, nourishing with non-invasive sound frequency. Everything is energy. Feeding the appropriate energy frequencies supports normal structure and function.

Human BioAcoustics, as originated by Sharry Edwards, M.Ed., does not diagnose or prescribe for medical or psychological conditions nor does it claim to prevent, treat, mitigate or cure such conditions. HBA researchers do not provide diagnosis, care, treatment or rehabilitation of individuals, nor apply medical, mental health or human development principles.

Software programs and classes listed on the right hand side of this page are by Sound Health Inc aand provided under license from Sharry Ewdwards, MEd. All Sound Health evaluation programs produce written reports that may be provided to your health care advisors.

The "BodyGreen" Giveaway includes the free nanoVoice program, several programs that are free to keep after a free online class and several programs that have been discounted for this special offer.

There are a couple dozen additional programs available for the advanced student: swine flu, insulin resistance, blood clotting, cholesterol, New Woman, Bodies in Balance, HCG, BioDiet, Toxins, Pathogens, Parkinsons , Alzheimers, Heart Tracker, EYE Watcher, Traumatic Brain Injury, Radical Factors and more.

All Sound Health Program product names are trademarks of Sound Health Inc. All classes are ON-LINE and ON DEMAND. All students sign a nondisclosure agreement.

The "BodyGreen Givaway" program is a program of Sound Health, Inc. that includes providing free and discounted software and free software trials in conjunction with free classes. Proprietary Software, additional Programs and Classes are available for fee. You can register for the programs, software and classes from the descriptive pages, or Click Here.

To recap: Free Program: nanVoice (Personality Profiler)

Complementary Programs (After Free Class):
  • Golf Swing Evaluator
  • PTS Profiler
  • Hair Apparent

Trial Programs:
  • Nutritional Consultant
  • Muscle Master
  • Pre Vaccination
  • seX Factors

ADvanced Classes - By Invitation Only