nanoVoice software: BioAcoustics "Answer" to "The Secret." Public version of nVoice Program is free via download with instructions; FREE basic class: online, on demand. This software is yours to keep forever; microphone NOT included (for this version any decent microphone will do). Our advanced class and manual available on line ($35 fee for advanced class and manual).
nanoVoice Description - nanoVoice is a micro-version of our professional nVoice Personality Profiler which uses frequency based biomarkers within the frequencies of your voice to allow you an enlightening peek into your Secret Self. THIS SAMPLE VERSION OF nanoVoice IS FREE. Program produces written report based on matches between vocal frequency input and program data base, based on the Human BioAcoustics research of Sharry Edwards MEd. No license is granted with regard to the underlying frequency information.Does not include certification as a BioAcoustic Research Associate
nanoVoice can help you understand and solve issues using unconscious levels of awareness. This innovative technology is the forefront of future wellness based on personal biofrequency correlations to emotional, genetic, structural and biochemical information about the real YOU.
Free download at:
There are a couple dozen additional programs available for the advanced student: swine flu, insulin resistance, blood clotting, cholesterol, New Woman, Bodies in Balance, HCG, BioDiet, Toxins, Pathogens, Parkinson’s , Alzheimers, Heart Tracker, EYE Watcher, Traumatic Brain Injury, Radical Factors and more. Register for the programs, software and classes: Click Here.
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